Platform description
The Dataclime platform is developed by the Regional Models and Geo-Hydrological Impacts Division
(REMHI) of the CMCC Foundation and aims to transform climate data into useful and tailored information
for users with different skills and needs. The Dataclime platform supports users by offering various
climate services and managing the entire information production chain “in-house”: from
collection/archiving of climate data to processing and developing analyses that enable easy use by users.
The strengths of the Dataclime platform can be summarized as follows: (i) easy access to a huge amount
of climate data; (ii) customization of climate analysis at different temporal and spatial scales; (iii) availability
of various statistical analyses; (iv) different formats suitable for further analysis on different platforms; and,
finally, (v) scientific and detailed material for users. Most of the platform's functionalities are designed
based on interactions with users and stakeholders (from municipal administrators to consulting firms,
private companies, and policymakers).
To register, users will have to enter the following details: Company, Project (optional), Name,Username,
email account. The credentials are strictly personal and any disclosure or transfer to third parties is not
This service allows the users to Access your dedicated area, to choose a specific function / product and
setting values of some parameters.
The users, through the web application and a dedicated user area, can download the required analysis in
the available format.
Disclaimer for data provided by Dataclime
Users are aware that some data on the platform may require technical-specialist skills and knowledge to be
used and to apply it correctly. Therefore, the Dataclime platform and CMCC Foundation are not
responsible for the inappropriate or incorrect use of climate data provided through the website. The data
provided by Dataclime platform the purchase of which is under contract between the customer and CMCC
Foundation are strictly personal and any disclosure or transfer to third parties is not allowed.